Laser therapy has gone through great advancement since the days of ablative CO2 that has been linked with a significant risk of developing an infection. What’s more, it required longer recovery time, an issue that has been addressed by the shorter recovery periods recorded with the use of modern laser technologies. With the latest laser innovation, you may need fewer treatment sessions to achieve the desired results.
At Radiant Divine Medical Spa, we have a reliable laser system that will have your scars removed easily to regain your looks and boost your confidence! Schedule a consultation with us today to inquire about our services and to enjoy our modern skin treatment options.
Laser therapy involves the use of laser technology to help you deal with various skin conditions. The results are often smoother skin with no visible skin flaws like fine lines or acne scars. Because of its effectiveness, laser therapy is the leading cosmetic treatment option for scar removal. In fact, statistics reveal that it is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the country.
Laser therapy is also known as laser skin resurfacing due to its ability to rejuvenate your skin by removing the signs of aging. Unlike in the past when you would have to put up with aggressive laser systems, modern technologies have made them less aggressive but just as effective.
Before going for laser skin resurfacing, however, you should consult a professional who will help review your medical history as well as aesthetic objectives. With this information, the professional will determine the number of treatment sessions you need to achieve the set goals and produce the desired results.
Types of Laser Treatment for Scar Removal
There are usually two types of lasers used to remove scars:
This laser should be your option if you are looking for a flawless skin because it is effective at removing most types of scars. The laser will either vaporize or melt the damaged tissues that are causing the scar. The ablative lasers are further categorized into Erbium YAG and carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers. The purpose of these is to ensure that the surface of the scar is removed while the collagen fibers found beneath the skin are tightened. The ablative lasers, however, need a longer recovery time.
If you want to undergo a laser skin therapy procedure that has a shorter recovery time, then you may want to go for a non-ablative laser. While the treatment will not erode the skin on the scar, it will increase collagen formation to help the skin become tight. The diode and NdYAG non-ablative lasers are commonly used for scar removal.
Each of the two laser resurfacing treatment methods comes with its pros and cons. As a result, you have to consider your needs first before making a decision on the type to go for. Moreover, it is always good to get in touch with a professional to discuss the best option for you.
In both treatment types, intense monochromatic narrow wavelength rays are applied to precise skin points. This light then triggers the dermal fibroblasts to create connective tissues that stimulate the continued healing of the injured skin cells. The upper skin is eroded off and collagen production increased. The elastin on the skin is also remodeled so that all the scarring disappears.
Benefits of Laser Therapy
Besides the ability to target the specific areas with a skin problem accurately, laser skin therapy will do a complete resurfacing. Depending on the laser type that you use, the texture and tone of your skin will be improved greatly.
Over time, laser skin therapy has become the preferred non-surgical treatment method for a wide range of skin conditions. It has successfully reduced abnormally large skin pores and eliminated stretch marks among other skin conditions.
Other than removing scars, laser resurfacing is being heavily relied on to reduce the appearance of premature aging signs such as fine lines. Most people opt for laser skin therapy due to its low downtime, a factor attributable to the fact that it is non-surgical. As a result, the procedure is ideal for people who have a busy lifestyle.
If you have undergone surgery, you could opt for laser skin resurfacing to prevent the development of a raised scar. With laser therapy, you will not have to worry about living with a scar when surgery is inevitable.
Do you have a scar that itches too much or is painful? If you do, then you might want to get in touch with us to schedule an appointment for a laser therapy session. With us, you will no longer have to deal with the itchiness or ache due to your skin condition. Do you have a scar condition that limits your movement? If you do, then you could improve your motion by getting a professional treatment. However, it all depends on the unique case, as some scars are better treated via other means.
The results you get after undergoing a laser therapy session will vary based on how skilled the service provider is. It is important to note that this treatment method relies heavily on targeting precision.
Laser Treatments for Scar Removal
Fractional Laser Treatment
Fractional laser skin therapy relies on micro-beam laser rays with the density dependent on the desires of each patient. As a result, it can be used effectively to remove scars. This treatment will leave your skin looking good while also protecting it against the formation of more scars.
The main skin problems you can treat with the fractional laser treatment are:
– Sun damage
– Wrinkles
– Fine lines
– Pigmentation
– Photo-aging problems
Other Laser Systems
This just scratches the surface when it comes to the laser therapy systems that are available. Do keep in mind that sometimes a series of treatment sessions is necessary for optimal results.
PRP for Scar Removal
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, a special substance that can be used as part of aesthetic treatments like a Vampire Facial. The process will ultimately trigger the generation of collagen, which forms new skin tissues. The result is a smoother-looking skin that is firmly toned. This is a skin treatment procedure mostly used on the face. This is because it minimizes the appearance of scars on your skin, wrinkles, as well as large pores.
This amazing treatment is intended to make your skin healthier and more youthful. When used in combination with other treatments, it can effectively help with rolling and boxcar scars. The procedure is also recommended for patients experiencing atrophic scarring.
Preparing for Laser Therapy
To put it very simply, laser therapy treatment is a non-invasive procedure that has multiple benefits to your skin. Each time you undergo this non-surgical treatment, for instance, you can be sure that you will reduce the appearance of scars on your skin. Once the laser treatment to lower the appearance of scars is done, you should wear sun protection around the treated area. This will prevent the formation of a new scar that could ultimately compromise the effectiveness of the procedure.
Prior to you undergoing any laser skin treatment procedure, you might have to adjust your lifestyle a little bit. Our professionals, for instance, may recommend that you stop smoking in the weeks prior to the scheduled appointment. This will allow the skin to heal much better and allow you to enjoy the best results. If you take certain supplements or eat certain foods, then you might also want to stop using them alongside the aspirin and any other medication.
Since this is a cosmetic procedure, you are advised to stop the use of any skin care products that contain certain ingredients. You should do this for a set amount of time before you go for the procedure. If you get cold sores easily, then you might also want to take medication to ease them before the laser treatment. Additionally, you should stay away from the tanning bed or sun lamp since getting a sunburn or having tanned skin can affect the efficiency of the procedure.
Who is a Good Candidate for Laser Therapy?
Generally speaking, good candidates have the type of scarring that laser therapy can treat. However, you should be happy to know that we have a number of laser systems available, as we understand that aesthetic treatment is not one-size-fits-all.
Good candidates are in good overall health and have realistic expectations regarding the treatment and the results. During a consultation, we can determine your candidacy for laser treatments.
Book Your Appointment
Are you unhappy with scars on your skin? If so, why don’t you contact Radiant Divine Medical Spa to get started with laser skin therapy that will reduce the appearance of scars? Your skin will be smoother, more youthful, toned, and with a better texture after undergoing your treatment(s). We have offices located in Medina, Avon, and Brecksville, and we happily serve clients throughout the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started. We look forward to hearing from you!