How Does Cellfina Work?

Cellulite is one of the most dreaded skin conditions. This is due in large part to how hard it is to get rid of. There are creams that claim to help it fade, but how effective they are is something up for debate. Finally, people have an option for targeting the dimple-like cellulite that is commonly found on the buttocks or thighs. It is known as Cellfina® and it is changing the way we tackle this frustrating skin issue. 

Is Cellulite a Common Problem?

The answer to this question is a resounding YES! Different studies have produced different numbers, but the vast majority of people have at least some cellulite. This is particularly true for women. Some studies have found that 85% of women over the age of 20 have cellulite on their body.

Not everyone views cellulite as a problem. Some people are simply unbothered by it. Others, however, are reluctant to wear certain styles of clothing and are very embarrassed by the condition of their skin. This is why a treatment like Cellfina® is so exciting. 

Understanding How Cellulite Forms

There seems to be a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to cellulite and where it comes from. Cellulite does not come from toxins or any other substance inside of your body, despite what some manufacturers of topical “cures” claim. Rather, cellulite is the result of connective tissues losing strength and fat pushing up through them. This gives the dimply, cottage cheese look that is associated with cellulite. 

The buttocks and thighs are notorious for the formation of cellulite. Other areas that are sometimes impacted include the stomach, arms, and legs. The very fact that women tend to carry more of their fat in their hips, thighs, and buttocks is why they are more likely to experience this issue, particularly in these areas. 

Several things can contribute to the likelihood you will develop cellulite. Your odds become greater as you get older and begin producing less collagen, which can severely weaken the connective tissues. Another factor is genetics, unfortunately. There are some variables when it comes to cellulite formation that are within your control, however. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, and eating a balanced and nutritious diet can all help. 

How Does Cellfina® Work?

Cellulite is caused by the connective tissues getting weak as well as fibrous bands pulling too tightly on the skin. This creates the dimples, as well as the small bulges of fat around them. Cellfina® is a method of manually breaking up these fibrous bands, allowing the skin to smooth out. It is based on a technique known as subcision, which has been used to treat wrinkles and scars in the past. In fact, a more technical name for this procedure is Tissue Stabilized-Guided Subcision, or TS-GS for short. 

The target area is first numbed to ensure you stay comfortable during treatment. Prior to beginning, the dimples you would like targeted are marked. A small device will then be inserted so that it can begin to break up the fibrous bands. The device is the size of a needle and does not create large incisions. This is repeated near every dimple in the target area. 

Due to each dimple needing individual attention, the process can take a while. There are many factors that play into how long your session will be, but you can expect roughly one hour per every 25 dimples. The good news is that just one session can give you results that last for years to come, making Cellfina® worth the time. 

It is worth noting that Cellfina® is an FDA-cleared procedure for reducing the appearance of cellulite. It has been clinically proven to improve the appearance of targeted cellulite for a minimum of three years. No other FDA-cleared procedure can make that claim. 

What to Expect after Cellfina®

There is very little downtime associated with this procedure. This is a result of it being minimally-invasive and not requiring general anesthesia to perform. Most people feel comfortable driving themselves home. While some people head straight back to work, most choose to take the rest of the day to rest. 

You will want to minimize sun exposure and avoid swimming or soaking in a hot tub for at least one week after your session. Compression garments are useful for reducing swelling and aiding in recovery. Personal aftercare instructions will be given after your Cellfina® treatment. 

The most amazing thing about this treatment is the results. You may notice your skin becoming smoother in as little as one to three days. Improvements will become more obvious once the swelling subsides, something that typically takes only a few days to two weeks. The manufacturer of this device recently conducted a follow-up study on patients who received this treatment five years prior. An astounding 100% of the participants still said they had noticeably less cellulite, even after all that time!

In order to get the most out of your treatment, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Significant weight fluctuations will negatively impact your results. Eating right and staying active can go a long way toward keeping your skin dimple-free.

Good Candidates for Cellfina®

This treatment is minimally-invasive and therefore considered very safe. Certain factors will increase the odds that you are a good candidate for this treatment, including:

  • Being in good general health
  • Being at or near your goal weight
  • Having realistic expectations after having a consultation
  • Having a positive outlook 
  • Being a non-smoker, as smoking can negatively impact healing
  • Not being on certain medications or allergic to certain medications/anesthetics

If you decide you would like to explore Cellfina® further, a consultation can be scheduled. We can learn more about your medical history, allergies, and current medications to ensure that you are a good candidate for this treatment. This is also your opportunity to get any and all questions answered so that you can go into this procedure with realistic expectations. 

Good candidates for this procedure are also people who are willing to not shave the treatment area prior. If you are a smoker and would like this treatment, it is strongly advised that you quit at least two months before your appointment. 

Please note that there are different types of cellulite. Cellfina® will be more effective on dimple-type cellulite than it will be on cellulite “waves” and long streaks. At your consultation, we can evaluate the skin you would like to target and discuss what Cellfina® may be able to do for you. 

Who Should Avoid Cellfina® Treatments?

This is a treatment that can help many people. That being said, it is not perfect for everyone. Other options should be explored if you are:

  • Diabetic
  • Severely overweight
  • Not in good general health
  • Pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant in the near future
  • Someone with varicose veins or other vein related issues
  • Someone with an infection anywhere near the target area
  • Someone with a blood-clotting issue

What Are the Benefits of Cellfina®?

This is a popular treatment with a truly impressive patient satisfaction rate. Some of the reasons for this include:

  • Results are long-term: This is not a treatment that you will have to worry about scheduling follow-up sessions for. Multiple studies on how effective this treatment is showed the results lasting for years.
  • You see improvements quickly: Other treatments can take months before showing you significant results. This is not the case with Cellfina®, which can have you seeing improvements in as little as a day!
  • Downtime is very limited: Despite being considered a surgical treatment, Cellfina® is actually minimally-invasive and results in very little downtime. You will not need to schedule weeks off of work in order to have this procedure done.
  • The treatment is comfortable: Prior to making any incisions, the area is thoroughly numbed. You should experience little to no discomfort during your session.
  • It takes only one session: So many treatments require multiple sessions spread out over weeks or even months in order to be effective. If you do not have the patience for that, consider this one-and-done cellulite solution. 

Learn More Today

If you have any lingering questions about Cellfina® or are just ready to experience it for yourself, get in touch with our office today! This may be the treatment that restores your body confidence and improves your quality of life! Our team at Radiant Divine Medical Spa is dedicated to helping you achieve the body of your dreams. We are conveniently located in Avon, Brecksville, and Medina, OH. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!